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Copyright & Fair Use

ISTE Standards for Students

2. Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical. 

Copyright & Fair Use Basics

The Law  

According to U.S. Copyright law, copyright holders have the exclusive right to copy, distribute, display, and perform their work. Others must weigh four factors to determine if their use of a copyrighted work qualifies as a fair use.

Key Terms

The Four Fair Use Factors  

All four Fair Use factors must be weighed to determine if a use of copyrighted material qualifies as a Fair Use.

1. Purpose and character of the use -  How will you use it? Are you using it for curricular instruction? Is the work being used for criticism or parody? Have you transformed the original?

2. Nature of the work  -  What kind of work is it?  Factual, creative, consumable?

3. Amount & substantiality of the work -  How much of the work will you use? Acceptable portions are limited according to format and whether you are using the "heart" of the work.

4. Effect on the market for the original - Will your use affect the copyright holder's profits?

Copyright & Fair Use Reminders

Copyright & Fair Use Guideline for Images & Media

BCPS Copyright Rules, Procedures & Resources

Materials included in curriculum or used in instruction must comply with BCPS Copyright Rule 1120 and U.S. Copyright law and Fair Use guidelines. Students and staff can use the resources on this page to ensure that media and materials included in curriculum, instructional materials, and student-published products are used legally. 

Creative Commons & Copyright-friendly Resources

Creative Commons is an international organization that makes it possible for creators (copyright holders) to clearly define how their work can be shared. 

About Creative Commons

Watch this video for an introduction to Creative Commons.
